Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
Delta Academies Trust has the mission statement “Changing Lives”, with the overarching aim being to improve educational outcomes for children in the north of England whilst creating a sustainable organisation that improves our society and the wider environment.
The proportion of disadvantaged pupils at Serlby Park Academy is significantly above the national average (43% v 28%). Pupils within the academy are mainly White British, with lower than average EAL students at 4%. The number of pupils with an EHCP is 0.7%,.
We serve our local community and work closely with partners to plan a set of learning experiences that meet the needs of every pupil. In addition, we use local, national and international labour market intelligence to plan courses to best prepare our young people for life beyond school. We have the highest standards and expectations for all pupils and we strive to provide a curriculum that respects the needs of all pupils as well as one that encourages young people to seek continuous development and improvement.
At Serlby Park Academy we are determined in our mission of ‘Changing Lives’ through raised aspirations and empowering educational outcomes for all students.
Once a year we provide the Department for Education with information that we hold about our pupils in a census return. Allocations are made based on the school which the eligible pupil attends at the time of the January school census. This information is used to determine the amount of additional funding we receive for specific pupils, and we then ensure the money is spent on those same pupils over the course of the school year. The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that we can support our disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.
The targeted and strategic use of pupil premium will support us in achieving Serlby Park’s vision to enable all students to share the power of the powerful. In order to achieve this we have set out the following principles for use of the pupil premium funding:
- We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils.
- We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
- In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged.
- We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil, or groups of pupils, the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
- Pupil premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals.
Pupil Premium money at Serlby Park Academy will be used to accelerate the progress of students’ identified as:
- FSM Ever 6
- Looked after continuously for more than six months
- Young carers
- Forces children
The allocation of Pupil Premium money will be targeted at four themes: achievement for all, the raising of expectations and horizon enhancing, increasing students engagement in school life and wellbeing.
For more in-depth information please see the document below: