
Meet the Team

Head of Faculty: Miss T Hunt

Teacher of Drama: Mr G Barrie

“Arts education isn’t something we add on after we’ve achieved other priorities, like raising test scores and getting kids into college. It’s actually critical for achieving those priorities in the first place.”

Michelle Obama

The drama curriculum for the students at Serlby Park Academy has been designed to provide students with a clear understanding of dramatic techniques and conventions in order to apply these skills within drama lessons and across other curriculum areas.

In supporting the English KS3 curriculum, students will be able to speak confidently and effectively, giving short speeches and presentations, expressing their own ideas. They will also be able to participate in formal debates and structured discussions, summarising and building on what has been said.
Students learn techniques for devising drama such as freeze frames, thought tracking and improvising. They study a variety of play scripts, which also provides opportunities for students to develop their literacy skills. Throughout the curriculum, they develop their drama skills such as movement, mime, gesture, vocal expression, facial expression and projection.

Our drama curriculum will give students the opportunity to:
• develop core transferable skills that underpin successful drama
• devise creative and imaginative performance
• apply a range of conventions and styles to structure innovative performance
• interpret and perform a range of existing scripts, applying their own artistic vision
• develop written evaluative skills embedded with subject specific language
• appreciate live performance
• participate in a range of performance genres
• understand the process of planning, rehearsing and reviewing performance
• articulate and express their ideas, views and opinions about a wide range of topics and issues clearly, confidently and respectfully
• develop their individual character, including their confidence, resilience and independence, contributing positively to the life of the school
• explore contemporary issues in a safe and environment
• empathise and engage with others outside their own social, cultural and historical setting