Beyond The Taught Curriculum
One of the Trust’s main strategies is to ensure that all young people are confident, employable and have the knowledge, confidence and skills to challenge received wisdom through a wide range of experiences and broad curriculum. We are acutely aware that this cannot be achieved solely in the classroom, which is why we introduced the Colours initiative.
Serlby Park’s Colours initiative ensures that students understand the value of extra-curricular involvement both inside and outside of the Academy in order for them to become respectable, considerate and worthy members of their community.
At Serlby Park, we encourage students to take part in a wide range of activities that positively impact on individuals and the wider community both. We recognise this by awarding Colours badges at the end of each half term as part of our celebration assemblies. Each Colour signifies a different type of activity undertaken by our students and our curriculum is structured in a way to enable all students to earn a Colour. Each half term links specifically to different Colours in order to highlight and provide opportunities to earn each one, they can however, be earned in any order pupils wish over the year.
Through earning the Colours, which range from attending enrichment activities to organising fundraising events, students will gain confidence and valuable life experiences that will help to them prepare for life in our community and beyond the Academy.
Each Colour is designed to be achievable, regardless of background and/or ability in order to ensure that all students benefit from the same experiences and opportunities:
Proud Thursday
Here at Serlby Park Academy we like to celebrate the amazing work our students produce on a weekly basis. Throughout the week staff signpost incredible achievements in pupil exercise books and in planners, and on Thursdays we reward that with a celebration on the gate before school.
Gate Crasher
We turn every moment into a learning opportunity. Our Gate Crasher initiative allows our SLT and Learning Managers to target key learning as our students enter the academy grounds.
We target the themes based upon the needs of our student body. We use recall and retrieval to help support our curriculum areas as well as our cultural experiences. Some examples of what we may target are listed below –
- Capital Cities
- Poems
- Maths equations
- Key themes
- ‘This Is Culture’ recall
- Science equations
- Word of the week definitions
- Literature text key quotations